Y Tools
Custom Google Sheets Functions
Use Y Tools custom functions to improve the way you work and analyze data in Sheets.
YTCROSSTABLEPRO: transform a cross table into tabular format and analyze it using Pivot Tables or other methods.
YTCONCATENATETABLES: add two or more tables with both common and uncommon fields and analyze them using Pivot Tables or other methods.
YTJOINTABLES: join tables by common fields.
YTGENERATETIMESERIES: easily generate cashflows from three simple values:
Series Amount: cashflow amount
Period Start: in which period the cashflow starts
Duration: how long it lasts
YTTRANSLATE: translate your cells to multiple languages using Google Translate
YTCHATGPTTHINK: use the power of Artificial Intelligence in your spreadsheets
Date functions: that let you add months, years and days and group dates by month, Quarter, Half or Year.
The following video provide more information on how to use them: